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Social & Emotional Learning


Academics are extremely important at St. Nicholas School, but we are just as committed to our students’ spiritual and emotional development. To nurture well-rounded, balanced citizens we have integrated a Social and Emotional Learning component into every level of our curriculum. This learning process teaches students to recognize and manage their emotions, develop care and concern for others, make responsible choices,establish positive relationships and handle challenging situations.


Much has been made of bullying in schools recently, and with good reason. Students will only excel socially and academically when they feel physically and emotionally safe to express themselves. St. Nicholas School has a strict no bully policy but our Social and Emotional Learning program goes to the root of bullying issues.


By teaching students compassion and empathy, we are often able to stop bullying behaviors before they start. We have a Social and Emotional Learning Consultant on staff to participate in conflict resolution and to mentor staff members to become Social and Emotional coaches.Character education extends into students’ homes as the Consultant offers workshops to help parents understand and reinforce the values of Social and Emotional Learning.


St. Nicholas School is extremely proud that our students have adopted the motto, “You can’t say that you can’t play.” This spirit of inclusion and acceptance creates a safe place where students can learn, interact and celebrate their individuality. As a practical matter, this mindset has academic significance, since students who participate in programs like this score at least ten percentage points higher on achievement tests than those without such a program. And, there is the invaluable long-term benefit of providing students with the skills they will need to form and sustain successful relationships throughout their lives.


Why Is Social And Emotional Learning So Important?
  • St. Nicholas School’s mission is to teach a comprehensive academic program that promotes intellectual, spiritual and emotional development.

  • Social and emotional learning is one of the most critical skills for your child’s success in life. It is also intrinsic to academic success.

  • Educating a community on Social and Emotional Learning changes a school’s culture, allowing students to feel secure and welcome in their every-day environment.

  • An “average” student enrolled in a social and emotional learning program ranks at least 10 percentage points higher on achievement tests than students who do not participate in such programs.

  • The Social and Emotional Learning Program is successful because St. Nicholas School teaches students the skills and behaviors to implement on a daily basis, setting up students for success in life.


What Is Taught?

Social and Emotional Learning is the process of acquiring skills to:

  • recognize and manage emotions.

  • develop caring and concern for others.

  • make responsible decisions.

  • establish positive relationships.

  • handle challenging situations effectively.


The Classroom Environment
  • Teachers create a classroom culture of inclusiveness and respect where social and emotional learning flourishes.

  • Students feel emotionally and physically safe to be themselves and express who they are.

  • Teachers create a positive and cohesive group dynamic.

Parents Get Involved
  • We recognize that parents are the primary educators of their
    children and the St. Nicholas School faculty and staff strive to support and complement them in this role.

  • St. Nicholas School gives parents the opportunity to become a social and emotional coach for their child.

  • Our Emotional Learning Consultant conducts workshops for parents to inform them about the skill sets St. Nicholas School teaches students, so parents can partner with teachers and staff in teaching these skills at home.

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