Support Saint Nicholas School
Giving to Saint Nicholas School
Saint Nicholas Catholic School has much to be proud of. Our caring faculty and low student-to-teacher ratio ensure quality education for all. Our comprehensive academic program and diverse extracurricular activities challenge curious learners and nurture the next generation. But none of this is possible without the generosity of our parents, alumni and community. Below are the different funds you can support with a tax-deductible gift to show your support for the mission and work of Saint Nicholas Catholic School.
Direct Your Giving • Capital Campaign • Ways to Give • Planned Gifts • Give Now

Direct Your Giving
Capital Campaign
Our Capital Campaign, The Next 70, is building the future for our school with campus upgrades such as AC campus wide, remodeling our library, Tech Lab, adding resource space, remodeling our main building and updating our original bathrooms.
School Donations
Our school donation fund is to help Saint Nicholas Catholic School fulfill needs to help run the school with books, equipment, classroom supplies and more.
Endowment Fund
This fund is a gift that gives forever. The earnings from this fund are applied toward the Educational Enrichment Programs to ensure the future growth of Saint Nicholas Catholic School and to help keep our tuition affordable.
Tuition Assistance
This fund is a way to support Tuition Assistance. Our goal is to be able to provide a Catholic Education to everyone. Supporting this fund also allows us to give emergency tuition assistance as well as need based assistance.
Mary O’Shea Scholarship Fund
This fund supports the students who otherwise would be unable to attend Saint Nicholas Catholic School due to financial restraints. When you support this fund, you are giving the gift of Catholic education.