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The logo of Saint Nicholas Catholic School in Los Altos, California. The logo is a celtic cross


Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten

Saint Nicholas Catholic School Kindergarteners love school!  Here, a boy works on a project while a girl looks on, ready to help him.

A Good Foundation

Our Transitional Kindergarten (8am-2pm) and Kindergarten program (full day) are the first steps of your student’s education journey. In combination with play-based learning, our early learners develop their academic and social foundation. It is our mission to teach Catholic values while fostering lifelong learning for the whole child.   

A girl and a boy in kindergarten at Saint Nicholas Catholic School work on their classwork.

Focus on Early Literacy


Specialist Resource Support

Specialists include dyslexia, speech, and reading support. Students will be assigned to specialist resources after initial evaluation from the teacher and resource team

Co-Curricular Music, Art, Spanish and PE

  • music- call and response songs, describing emotions with music, introductions to different sound sources 

  • Spanish- the alphabet and words

  • PE-developing body control and social skills

Aide Support

Aide support for TK and Kindergarten Classrooms​

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